
In my customer experience design course at the University of Waterloo, I and a team of 7 members of ranging disciplines (science, computer science, design and business) were tasked with creating a new product or service related to:

πŸ₯½ Virtual Reality

πŸ€ Professional Sports

πŸ™‚ Customer Satisfaction

<aside> 🎯 We created a VR app service that simulates a courtside experience for sports fans

</aside> (4).gif

A simulation of the VR experience


1. Empathize

With only rough guidelines, it was imperative that we took a step back to survey and scope out potential problem spaces that could link these three categories together.

To orient ourselves, I conducted an auto-ethnography and reflected on my personal experiences and extrapolated to a wider context. Through reflecting, I realized that during the COVID-19 pandemic, I greatly missed the camaraderie and atmosphere of enjoying a sports game in person.

So we polled 25 people and asked them about their interests, tendencies, and behaviours regarding live professional sports to truly understand their pain points and needs.

After analyzing the data it became clear that of those surveyed:

<aside> 🏟️ Fans want to experience the in-game atmosphere


<aside> πŸ‘ͺ Fans want to share the experience with family and friends


<aside> πŸ’² Fans don’t want to spend a lot of money on tickets


2. Define

User Personas

Based on the data collected, we outlined these 4 potential customer segments and created personas.

<aside> πŸ’² Teenagers or young adults who can not afford expensive tickets


<aside> β™Ώ Individuals who lack the physical accessibility to in-person games


<aside> πŸ‘ͺ Individuals who want to watch games with their friends or families but live far away


<aside> πŸš• Individuals who live far from venues and must travel long distances to watch live games


In the user personas, we outlined the pain points affecting the individual, their needs, and potential areas to create gains opportunities for them.

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